Yang. S. (in prep.). “Auditory acuity influence in speech sound production learning”. PhD thesis in Psycholinguistics at BCBL. Co-supervised with A. Stoehr
Xing. L. (2024). “The effect of phonetic production training with different types of visual feedback on the learning of L2 vowels”. MA thesis in Multilingualism at University of Oslo. Co-supervised with A. P. Singh and N. Kartushina
Løvvig. Å. L. B. (2023). “To [dʉː] or not to [dʉː]: Pronunciation in second language and second dialect: The case of Danish learning Norwegian”. MA thesis in Linguistics at University of Oslo. Co-supervised with H. D. Korne
Esbensen. I. (2023). “Crosslinguistic influences in L2 pronunciation learning over time: The case of Norwegian speakers learning Chinese”. Educational summer research project at University of Oslo.
Pericacho. P. (2023). “Regressive transfer of vowel production over time: The case of Norwegian speakers learning Chinese”. Educational summer research project at University of Oslo.
Vassanyi. S. (2022). “Individuals’ stability in native speech sound production: Do I sound differently this Monday than the last?”. Educational summer research project at University of Oslo.
Supervision at undergraduate level
Ren. R. (2017). “Contact with Japanese language through soap operas among students at Hefei University/合肥学院の大学生がドラマを通して日本語との接触”. BA thesis at Hefei University
Tian, H. (2017). “The protection of Huizhou architecture: Hints from Kyoto/京都の伝統建築の保護が徽州建築の保護への示唆”. BA thesis at Hefei University
Huang, Q. (2017). “The promotion of Anhui Cuisine overseas: Hints from the reception of Japanese restaurants in Hefei/日本料理店の受容が安徽料理の海外プロモーションにもたらしたヒント”. BA thesis at Hefei University
Wang, W. (2017). “The use of VR technology in the education industry has implications for Japanese teaching at Hefei University/VR技術の教育産業における応用が合肥学院の日本語教育への示唆”. BA thesis at Hefei University
Zhou, S. (2017). “The irrational consumption of Japanese cosmetics/日本の化粧品の非理性的な消費について”. BA thesis at Hefei University
Zheng, S. (2016). “Chinese-Japanese translation strategies: Taking "shechi (luxury)" as an example/中日翻訳のストラテージ―「奢侈」を中心に”. BA thesis at Hefei University
Wu, M. (2016). “The importance of grammatical modalities in the listening comprehension of JLPT-N1/日本語能力試験N1におけるモダリティの重要性についての一考察”. BA thesis at Hefei University
Wang, X. (2016). “Chinese-Japanese translation strategies of Hefei’s local snacks/合肥軽食の名称の日本語訳のストラテージに関する一考察”. BA thesis at Hefei University
Chen, Y. (2016). “The learning of e and ni by the Japanese majors at Hefei University/「へ」と「に」の習得調査——合肥学院を例として”. BA thesis at Hefei University“In
Dai, S. (2016). “Ambiguous expressions in business Japanese conversations/ビジネス日本語会話における曖昧表現に関する一考察”. BA thesis at Hefei University
Qian, S. (2015). “Aesthetics in Korin Ogata's folding screen paintings/尾形光琳の屏風絵から見る美意識”. BA thesis at Hefei University
Meng, Q. (2015). “The misuse of Sino-Japanese words in Chinese-Japanese translation by Japanese majors at Hefei University/中日翻訳における漢語の誤用に関する一考察―合肥学院日本語学科の学生を中心に”. BA thesis at Hefei University
Guo, R., (2015). “Teru Miyamoto's views on life and death in Hotarugawa/『蛍川』に見られる宮本輝の生死観”. BA thesis at Hefei University
Zhang, R. (2015). “The distinctions between V-te kuru and V-te ki-te iru/「Vてくる」と「Vてきている」の使い分けに関する一考察”. BA thesis at Hefei University